G20 Seoul – Shared Growth Beyond Crisis

On 11-12 November 2010, world leaders gathered in Seoul, Korea, for their fifth G20 summit, significantly the first summit to be held in a developing Asian nation. Highlighting the host country’s successful innovations in sustainable business practices, the agenda examined macroeconomic stimulus; international financial and domestic institutional regulation and reform; strengthening fiscal safety; opening trade and investment; and the Doha negotiations on mutilateral trade liberalisation.

The summit pioneered a new paradigm for green growth, emphasising development along the path set by the Korean example. It was held in tandem with the Business 20 Summit in Seoul on 10-11 November.

G20 Seoul Summit – Shared Growth Beyond Crisis provides in-depth analysis of the key issues on the agenda. Contributors include: Lee Myung-bak, Stephen Harper, Nicholas Sarkozy, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, Haruhiko Kuroda, Pascal Lamy and Angel Gurría.


Royal Navy yearbook launches at the House of Commons

Launch of the 2010/11 edition of the Royal Navy’s official annual publication,
A Global Force.

G20 Seoul – Shared Growth Beyond Crisis

On 11-12 November 2010, world leaders gathered in Seoul, Korea, for their fifth G20 summit, significantly the first summit to be held in a developing Asian nation.

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